Foreign editions

The rabbi's cat has been translated in different languages. Here is a selection of different covers from foreign editions.
- In Czech - Rabínův kocour
- In Danish - Rabbinerens kat
- In German - Die Katze des Rabbiners
- In English - The rabbi's cat
- In Arabic
- In Spanish - El gato del rabino
- In Finnish - Rabbin Katti
- In Hebraic
- In Italian - Il Gatto del Rabbino
- In Dutch - De Kat van de rabbijn
- In Polish - Kot Rabina
- In Portuguese - O Gato do Rabino
In Czech - Rabínův kocour
Bar Micva | Malka, král lvů |
In Danish - Rabbinerens kat
Rabbinerens kat | Paradis på jord |
In German - Die Katze des Rabbiners
Die Bar-Mizwa | Malka, der Herr der Löwen | Exodus |
Das irdische Paradies | Jerusalem in Afrika |
In English - The rabbi's cat
The Rabbi's Cat including albums: The Bar-Mitzvah, Malka of the Lions and Exodus |
The Rabbi's Cat 2 including albums: Heaven on Earth and Africa's Jerusalem |
In Arabic
In Spanish - El gato del rabino
La bar-mitzva | El Malka de los leones | El Éxodo |
El pariso terrenal | Jerusalén de Africa |
In Finnish - Rabbin Katti
Rabbin Katti including albums: The Bar-Mitzvah, Malka of the Lions and Exodus |
Rabbin Katti 2 including albums: Heaven on Earth and Africa's Jerusalem |
In Hebraic
In Italian - Il Gatto del Rabbino
Il Bar-Mitzvah | Malka dei Leoni | L'Esodo |
Il Paradiso terrestre | Il Gatto del Rabbino including albums:The Bar-Mitzvah, Malka of the Lions, Exodus, Heaven on Earth and Africa's Jerusalem |
In Dutch - De Kat van de rabbijn
Het bar mitswa | De Malka van de leenwen | De exodus |
Het aards paradijs | Het Afrikaans Jeruzalem |
In Polish - Kot Rabina
Bar Bicwa | Malka Lwi Król |
In Portuguese - O Gato do Rabino
O Bar Mitzvah | Malka dos Leões |